About Us

Dr Rekha Soni, Founder of Aarogya’s World of Wellness, is a Life Coach specialized in different health modules like Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Bach Flower Therapy and healing modules like Reiki , Acupressure, past life regression therapy.

Her aim of life is to heal people by enabling them to cope with the issues that are causing them distress, anxiety, and stress.

She takes great pride in the progress and success of her clients, and looks forward to help everyone by giving health, happiness and harmony.

Aarogya’s journey began when back in 1998 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and arthritis. To help me better I hopped down a rabbithole of spirituality, reiki, naturopathy, meditation and other likes of alternative medicine.

My son was only a year old and parenting him was the biggest challenge with a chronically pained and diseased body in 1998. Each joint, muscle, limbs – hands and legs hurt alike to no end.

I learned and practiced yoga, meditation, reiki, diet & nutrition and went about the world to heal myself from all things that were possibly causing the dis-ease. It’s the emotional issues with our families and surroundings that make or break a person and I had just started to realise that all emotional problems are the root cause to dis-ease.

“A healthy mind creates a healthy body” became my motto and my sole goal.

Naturopathy, food and nutrition science, spiritual healing work, meditation, yoga hence became strong factors – cornerstones to my healing and release of emotional issues.

Later in life I also learned that thalassemia related anemia runs in the family and there were mutiple fibroids found by doctors in my uterus for which a hysterectomy (removal of uterus) was adviced but I couldn’t undergo a whole surgery to remove my uterus or take iron injections.

Hence, I was determined and willfully dedicated to heal this through a raw plant based whole foods diet of fruits & vegetables and fasting.

I have given my 100% in pursuit of education, knowledge & practice of bringing health through nature via naturopathy, homeopathy as well as many alternatives therapies.

After seeing healthy and positive results for me, my family and my clients; I am even more dedicated to heal everyone suffering or in dis-ease by sharing the peace and joy I have experienced!

My initial spiritual journey of Reiki and Naturopathy started in year 1998 where I was detected with Arthritis and Fibromyalgia. My son was 1 year old and it was very difficult for me to handle him with my hands as it was chronic pain in my body.


I started practicing yoga, treated myself with naturopathy diet plans and healing and meditation helped me to release all mental and emotional issues of my life. Later there were mutiple fibroids in my uterus and doctor told me to operate it … but with strong dedication for intermittent fasting and natural raw diet helped me to remove all fibroids from my uterus Then I put my hundred percent efforts to pursue knowledge in naturopathy, homeopathy as well as all alternatives therapies and now I am here to heal all around the world to benefit naturally .

I learned Reiki in 2008 and immediately fell in love with it. I knew I would make my career in it. Initially I started by healing others but soon realized that to eradicate the everlasting pain in this world Reiki should be known to all. In my journey to educate all about this great alternate therapy I stumbled upon the world of acupressure and also added it to my artillery. Now I am on the mission to reach out to all and help them to overcome all the pain and worries in their life be it physical, emotional or spiritual.”

Ms Kavita Matta my mother had osteoarthritis in her knees and slowly pain was going towards right and left shoulders. Doctor suggested for knee replacement but as she saw me healed naturally so I practiced my therapies on her and today in age of 65 she can walk and work by her own with all her household tasks effortlessly and efficiently Universal healings and natural remedies works like magic if you follow it religiously

My mother in law Draupadi soni had hip bone fracture in 2008 and got operated with heavy wt of 112 kg. Doctor strictly said to reduce her weight because screws which were put during surgery could break because of heavy wt so she was strictly recommended to reduce wt but being old ,sick and a diabetic patient , she also had high Bp , skin allergies too. She use to take 12 medicines in a day but by adopting all these therapies ( mention them systematically) today she has reduced her 50 kg wt on bed just by taking Aarogyas natuural Rawsoi diet, yoga . Today she can walk by her own with no medicines yet ,


Aarogya Snaan Meditation

Through my experiences in these decade I lowly step forward to enhance my knowledge in counselling and I came up with this life management exercise. Following are the therapies that are administered through our clinic.

I came with Aarogya Snaan Meditation which helped me to know myself in a better way.

Who am I

Why I m here

What Is the purpose of my life

And once you start understanding your self its very easy to overcome fears, negativity, insecurities and other obstacles, helps you to achieve goals, strengthen relationships and focusing your attention to manifest all your dreams without hurting others, being with your real path of truth along with

resolving Two trains of conflicting thoughts.

It takes you to the blissful state which is pure, ever existing consciousness while being rooted to your daily routines.