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Aarogya Snaan Meditation
Aarogya’s O2 Breathe Again tapping program releases emotional blockages in just three minutes, restoring self-esteem and confidence. Through meditative practices like Aarogya Swaas and Super Power Meditation, we promote overall well-being by harmonizing mind and body, rooted in the principles of homeopathy, yoga, and naturopathy.
Acupressure is a natural therapy that helps relieve stress, anxiety, and physical blockages, promoting healing without side effects. Our workshops teach you to apply pressure on key Marma Points, empowering you to treat conditions like joint pain, sciatica, and insomnia, fostering wellness through traditional methods.
Homeopathy is a traditional cure that uses small doses of natural substances to stimulate the body’s self-healing abilities. Rooted in the principle of “like cures like,” it effectively addresses both physical and mental elements, promoting overall well-being. Aarogya’s homeopathy is one of the three core medicines in its holistic health approach.
Reiki, an ancient Japanese technique, promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and supports holistic healing by clearing energy blocks. Our courses teach you how to use Reiki to foster emotional, mental, and spiritual balance, enhancing overall well-being for yourself and others.
Experience the healing power of Aarogya’s RAWSOI, a holistic program using natural elements like air, water, and herbs to detoxify and rejuvenate the body. This drug-free approach restores balance and vitality, promoting a healthier, more vibrant lifestyle.
Bach Flower Remedies
Are worries and guilt affecting your growth? Our Aarogya workshop offers holistic solutions through Bach Flower Therapy to alleviate fear and emotional turmoil. Experience a healing journey that nurtures your mental and physical health, guiding you toward emotional balance and well-being.